I had two work engagements to day. Both were quite enjoyable, but still took a significant portion of the day. The first nice thing was that my husband and younger son were with me for the second event of the day and we had lunch afterward. We haven't had a nice and slow lunch out in ages.
I came home to a pile of dishes (left from yesterday where my husband and I had a super busy day.) and learning to do with my son, and prep for Sunday and after the last few days of nonstop
go I wasn't feeling to happy about all of it. Balance of work/home/homeschooling these last few days.
So, this was my mindset late this afternoon. Just then my mother in law who lives with us was heading out to meet up with some friends and she found a package in the door. I wasn't expecting anything, but it said it was for me. I opened it and I was so confused. It was two new books from Amazon.
Now I had ordered two things yesterday for my son and mother in law, but that package had already arrived. Did I accidentally order something else. Impossible because I have never even seen or heard of these books before! But they would be something I would get exactly because just a day before I had asked about recommendations about for such books on the melnet forum. Someone had gotten it for me!?!?!
What a very pleasant surprise! I love my husband to pieces, but he doesn't get me gifts - partly because he's lousy at it and feels too pressured. As I said, I love the guy, but that is not a strong suit! I get gifts from my mother in law for Christmas, but they are never thoughtful.They are gifts for the sake of saying she gave me a gift. I really cannot remember the last time I got a thoughtful gift and definitely not one from a stranger!
I know it's a melnetter from this side of the pond as it says so on the note. Just wow! I was a recipient of a random act of kindness. Super nice. I will definitely put them to use once I learn a bit more about G row. I started on G row today too! And, when I have "got it" and mastered things with these books, I will pass it on to another beginner.
But now back to learning/practicing today. I see, though, that I'm falling into a terrible habit. I actually did the exact same thing when I was 6 years old learning piano. I remember it! The book for learning piano,( I think I learned from Miss Adeline?) Had fingering written under the notes. I paid more attention to the fingering that I did the notes! Then one day the fingering help was gone and there I was clueless.
In this beginning method book, written in small letters is fingering guides with bellow direction guide. See below. Now, there are so many things I could be looking at instead of the fingering guides to know what to play. Things that will never go away for notation, but those fingering guides will, so why am I looking at them!
I tried to start look at the notes above or the C and G lines below, but of course, it's easier to play with the fingering guides! ACK!!! Even though I'm not trying to take the easy way out, my brain can't be quite convinced of that!
I didn't get as much practice in as I wanted today too as I said it was a working day, but I did get some in! Now off to read to my son before bed and to then watch the rest of the movie I started watching with my husband, Sven, last night.