Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Day 5 - and I definitely hear and feel improvement

Today I went back to the diatonic GC Method Book. I hadn't looked at it for 2 days while I was working on Twinkle and Twinkle variation. I went back to lesson 4 which is the one I was working, but didn't even record 3 days agom  because it gave me a LOT of trouble - especially with switching basses. Now, it's still a mess, but I can play it slowly and now I'm working on speeding it up (which means adding in mistakes!) That is improvement.

I then went to Lesson 5 which introduces a new "problem". The half step landing between buttons.

So far it has gone like this. Underline meaning PULL the bellows. Without underline means PUSH the bellows to get a note. So, for one key it is C on push and D on pull. So, the keys are:

C/D, E/F, G/A - See, back and forth. BUT... then it changes. 
C/D, E/F, G/A, B/C, D/E, F/G

See that: 
C/D, E/F, G/AB/CD/E, F/G

Now, when I look at the staff, I can't just go back and forth with the bellows to play CDEFGABC. In the middle of that is a half step between buttons. I now have to turn off my brain about push, pull, push pull to go up the scale and work harder on recognizing Push/Push or Pull/pull. Exercise 4 had me do Pull/Pull before with an A to an F, but they aren't notes next to each other, so it's less troublesome (though troublesome enough!)

Then it had me do lesson 6 which is a repeat of Lesson 2 except in a higher octave. I messed up at the very end because I ran out of bellow room/air.

On each exercise, I recorded it exactly one time instead of take after take after take to try to get something resembling what it should be. That in itself is an improvement.

Going forward I won't show everything I do as even I'll get bored with that, but for the first week I will. Then, it will probably be once a week. Who knows. Maybe not. I'm still figuring it out.

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