My initial thought had been lessons - and there might come a time for that, but there are not really any in person lessons available to me, and even what is available for piano accordion is $50-$75 an hour. My mind is thinking more on, "where else could that $200-$350 a month go?" It could go to so many things! Also, that then becomes a stressor - paying for lessons if I have time to practice for them or not! So, for now, no lessons.
That is one of the reasons I settled on melodeon because there are lessons and talented and helpful people I can get help with online. Also, with this particular instrument, playing by ear is common and I can plunk things out by watching fingers and/or listening to the tune. Plus, on melnet, there are people who right out music for practicing, so there is even that!
There is one set of books that has been recommended and I might get those, but they are over $100 for the set. The are called Accordéon Diatonique I think I want to make sure I like what I'm learning before I plunk that down. I've asked if any used copies are for sale, but so far there's been no one selling.
I'm also wondering if there is an app to help with practice fingering. Hmm... (In the meantime since writing this post last week, some sites have come forward for beginners. Oh how much easier it is to learn things now with the internet!)
Right now I'm in the "wait" mode while the instrument arrives (though by the time this post gets posted, it might have been sent!)
Decided to google something different then as my mind waits. Look at this cute little print?
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