Thursday, January 26, 2017

What key? Oh my goodness why are there so many decisions to be made?

After weeks of researching and listening to tons of music and instruments, I was getting things narrowed down. I now knew I was getting a two row/diatonic melodeon - not clubbed*. I was going to go with a simple layout with 23 keys for right hand and 8 bass keys for left hand. I even found a seller on the east coast who would tune an instrument for me (he has several waiting for customer requests). Now I just needed to decide which key.

The keys: The commonest are CF, DG, BbEb, AD, GC. There are more, but it should be one of these for a beginner wanting to play "whatever". Most common key in the US and in Germany is CF. Most common in the UK (where the site is that I'm using for learning to play this thing) is DG (very uncommon in the US).

It was recommended I listen to different pieces I knew were in different keys. More googling. But this was quicker to find my preferences. I prefer lower tones. I find the higher tones harsher to the ear (perhaps the horn player coming out in me a bit too - and someone who has listened to my son's tuba playing all through middle school and high school). I found this site and liked the sound of everything she played - just a woman enjoying her music:  The above is linked to her whole collection of videos. Here's the first one I watched.

Here's another instrument and player and a completely different style, but completely, unabashedly, marvelous:

These are both French musicians and French key of GC. Beautiful. So, GC is what I went with. Wait. I had made a decision? What did I get? Wait for tomorrow!

*turns out I got one of each for trying out on - possible got a clubbed one. This is still tbd.

1 comment:

  1. Oh there's some lovely stuff there! French music is one of my favourite kinds, which is one reason I'm getting the C/F Liliput. I can't wait for it to arrive from France ....
