Sunday, January 29, 2017

Developing the MADness very early

One of the reasons I went with diatonic accordion is that there is a very active site in the UK called where the people there are very helpful in about every way. There are novices and pros - including shop owners and refurbishers too. It's a wealth of information and experience to draw on.

I am going to try to learn this without taking lessons professionally because a. I don't have time to be having lessons (remember, my time, my way to ease stress) and b. I don't want to spend money on lessons if I don't need to because we are paying for college tuition and housing currently too!

They often discuss MAD, or MADness, etc. It stands for:


And I must admit I have an advanced case of it already and I haven't even gotten my instrument yet and won't for another week or so.  

You see... I've written all of these posts - all of them so far in one day. It's how I spent the bulk of my last free day from work before the whole Inauguration crap, I mean festivities began of which I had a lot to be present for. I decided I needed to get this all written out as much as possible so that I can return to some sort of normalcy.

Want proof? Here you go.... look at all those drafts? That is 1 post that I created. The rest I wrote between 5 pm and 12:38 am... After a day of some work, some home-schooling, making dinner, doing dishes, and taking my older son out to practice driving. That is a sure sign of MAD.

What am I MAD about? Well, I already have a list of instruments I would like to try/have if I get a hang of this and want to get better. I would like a really nice Castagnari - perhaps a small one and a bigger one:

A beautiful Stierische accordion would be fun to try too:

And then there is the Hohner Morino Club for fun too.

Maybe it's best I don't like to play and find it so frustrating. If that's the case, this will be a very short-lived blog. It will start all jubilant and end in my pulling my hair out.

Starting and and ending like this. Let's hope not!

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