Thursday, February 2, 2017

Melodeons are getting shipped!

I paid for everything in the last day or two and now they are on their way! I can't wait to try them out and I'm going to promise I will not get frustrated! Well, I will get frustrated, but I mean not frustrated enough to quit!!!

Here is the box, ready to go out this morning.

And here in the video you can see and hear the instrument. In the video, Scott has this cool spinning table. Next to the Hohner he picks up is the other box he's sending me, the Hohner Liliput (in a purple-ish tone).

On top of all of that, I have a Pignol and Milleret method's book on it's way to me from Sean. Both the melodeons and the method books should arrive around Monday. Yay! Soon the test will come of whether or not I'll get the hang of this!

On the days that I can, I plan to practice an hour a day. Not more, not less. I say not more because I don't want to aggravate any carpel tunnel or shoulder issues and I simply do not have time to be be devoting more time than that.

I did decide to just swap one Liliput button box for another with Scott Bellinger's shop. This way I get it earlier than later.

But it was a difficult decision for me because I had to decide to club it or not. In the end, I decided not to keep the Lilput I bought on ebay that is clubbed. There was less difference than I thought and for now, keeping learning one way of playing on diatonic accordion seems better and smarter. This way I also get it months earlier too. If I regret that decision, I can swap in the future, I suppose, or try a dfferent clubbed box. So, I will have  GC and CF boxes. If I get going with it, a DG would probably be next to try as the melnet site is primarly DG boxes and they could give me a lot of pointers. And then an AbEb and then and then...

But first I must start in the beginning, like Maria sang in Sound of Music. Lesson one...

Ok, why does no one really show lesson one? SHAME ON YOU ALL! The best I could find of a beginner was this one and if I'm that good into week two I will be ecstatic!

Maybe this blog will turn into - see, even at 47 you can learn something new - starting from ground zero. The only thing I'm bringing with me is sort of kind of being able to read treble clef with sight reading and can read it well if I've heard it before.

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