Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Twinkle Variation

So, two days ago I practiced standard Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Yesterday I decided to try a variation that has been in my head since college that I had made up for fun while fiddling with the piano. I remember my roommate in college my freshman year had to write a variation of Twinkle... for an assignment for a class. She was a transfer student majoring in voice. She spent a lot of time on that assignment, but she failed the assignment. She realized that term that being a big shot at a rinky dink private university was getting her nowhere at a larger public university.  Anyway... I came up with my own variation after that and it's just kind of stuck with me. It stinks, but it's what I got... and it's like the only variation of a song I think I've ever done in my head.  But... after listening to these below, I realize I'm oh so not creative! My variation is so boring!  I'm not a composer and it's outside my scope of ability. I'll just try to repeat what others can do better than me for probably like, forever for playing tunes

I did a search on youtube for other variations. These are so much better than mine. Like this one will make you smile, if you aren't weirded out first! 

This one from a tutorial on melnet somewhere I suppose. Not really a variation, but better than my attempts!

On a toy... A TOY sounds better than me! I just have to smile...

Mine? It goes at snail's pace and it's full of mistakes and the basses are awful. I thought writing it out would help - it didn't (much). I think tomorrow I'm going back to written stuff in the method book for another change of pace.

Below is my attempt for the night. I'll limit it to one of standard twinkle and one for the variation. There is no "good one". This is a fully - ton of mistakes, stop and start again video. Painful!

My elbow is aching me quite a bit today. I hope it's muscle and not joints. Muscles heal faster than tendons. Though it doesn't show, but with writing the music down and practicing, I probably put in 3 hours today (a day off from work (mostly).

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